Sunday 15 August 2010

Beinn Eibheinn, Aonach Beag, Geal Charn, Carn Dearg

13.5 miles, 1240m ascent, 9 hours

We didn't hang around on leaving Loch Ossian youth hostel as it was so midgy.  I felt sorry for two lads who had camped overnight next to the loch.  They didn't look as though they had enjoyed a good night's sleep.  However, the lack of any sort of breeze meant that the loch  had become a perfect mirror of the mountains around , so I did brave the midges to take some photos.  As suspected, the initial ascent was toilsome in the heat and Ben struggled.  Only after lunching on the first summit did we seem to flow and from then all went well along the fine ridge to Carn Dearg.  Surprisingly we were alone at Culra.


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